Monday, June 12, 2006

Priorities, People, Priorities

Murders increased by 14 percent in Philadelphia in 2005, according to the FBI, the largest one-year jump since 1991. According to this Philadelphia Inquirer article today, everyday life is so unsafe in some parts of the city that volunteers have to escort children walking to school in order to keep them out of danger.

Meanwhile, in other news, this group of prominent citizens is working on bringing the 2016 Olympics to Philadelphia. I don't get it. I really don't. There are just so many issues facing Philadelphia residents, from the pervasive level of gun violence to the poor state of the schools to the ineffective -- and at times corrupt -- administration of City services. Yet these folks wants to spend a bazillion dollars on the Olympics? I could be wrong, but I would guess that very few to none of the Olympics boosters live in neighborhoods where children need adult escorts to stay out of harm's way walking to school. Please, let's keep our focus on what really matters.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If these folks are all so bright, why haven't they figured out that dealing with many of the actual issues facing the City - like the gun violence and murder rates - likely will be necessary for them to achieve the goal they've set?

6:18 PM  

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