Praying for the End of Time
Andrew Sullivan pretty much captures my feelings about the horrific Ann Coulter, though I would go a step farther: She is both vile and empty. Why anyone pays the least bit of attention to her -- much less buys her books -- is beyond me. If she would just put a doughnut in her mouth she would solve both of her problems.
Well, maybe if Ann Coulter had someone in her life that she wanted to protect and hold safe from harm, she would understand why these women are out there trying to prevent this from happening again.
9/11 millionaires? And which administration made these women millionaires? Would that be Ms. Coulter's Bush administration? The one decided to pay what can only be called reparations to these people - and only these people - and not to the victims of the war, or the victims of Katrina, or the victims that attend public schools desparately hoping for an education, or the victims of plane crashes or car accidents or random acts of violence, or the victims of disease that might have been prevented by better environmental controls, or the Enron victims . . . you get the idea. Let's see if I have this right: Bush makes the completely unprincipled decision that money is the right answer in this, and only this, context, and Ann Coulter attacks the recipients of that ridiculous largesse. Plus Coulter makes a fortune out of it. Perfect.
-- A friend in Philly.
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