Thursday, January 04, 2007

Bring It On, Rudy

Talk Left shares my intense dislike of all things Rudy Giuliani, who, as I am not the first to note, somehow gets people to pay him millions for advice about security yet can't keep track of his own campaign documents.

I hope he does run for President so that he can get the scrutiny and the ripping he so truly deserves. I have never understood why people are so impressed with Giuliani's actions related to 9/11. Anyone who was mayor of New York City that day and in the weeks thereafter would have done just what he did. Maybe someone can explain to me how simply being the mayor of a city that is the target of a horrific terrorist attack qualifies one to be a "security consultant." And he has such a sharp eye for talent that he made the thuggish Bernard Kerik the police commissioner and then his business partner and preferred choice for Secretary of Homeland Security before, of course, Kerik's various problems (to put it politely) caught up with him.

It is a testament to the sheep-like quality of so many ("Oh, Rudy, tell me more...") and to Giuliani's limitless ego that he has gotten so rich so fast. He is just appalling in every way.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

And as a wise man has said to me on more than one occasion, why is it that Giuiliani is the only person on earth who is permitted -- even encouraged -- to make money on the backs of all those killed on 9/11?
-- A friend in Philly

6:22 PM  

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