Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Cue the Solemn Music

Here's an obit of sorts for a valued -- and tasty! -- friend: foie gras in Chicago, whose demise is but a few days away.

Just a couple of weeks ago, I had a private -- and tasty! -- final few moments with some foie gras equisitely prepared and presented at MK, a wonderful Chicago restaurant whose chef is quoted near the end of the article. His menu featured the elegiac "Farewell to Our Friend" notice the story mentions. There was not a dry eye at the table.

At least one City Councilman here in Philadelphia wants to have a ban similar to Chicago's enacted in our fair city. Fortunately, nothing has come of it yet, but always remember that eternal vigilance is the price of liberty, and, apparently, of foie gras.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a ridiculous thing. If only our elected officials would focus on taking action to ban hand guns or end hunger or homelessness. . . . Or start simple: let's ban talking on cell phones in the movies!
-- A friend in Philly

1:58 PM  

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