Maybe God Will Provide
Check out these budget numbers, courtesy of Andrew Sullivan. It is hard to imagine Democrats spending more recklessly than this Bush crowd and, perhaps more important, getting less bang for all those bucks. Yet I am sure, come the Fall, we'll all start hearing about big-spending liberals, yadda, yadda, yadda. And, sadly, people will believe it.
It's not the complaining about the "tax and spend liberals" that bothers me so much as the pretending that the current Republican regime is about fiscal responsibility simply because they don't raise taxes sufficient to cover their profligate spending. While all of it is dishonest, describing this administration as responsible with the money of the taxpayers is just a bald lie. I'll accept differences of opinion, being a life-long Democrat and all; but I will not accept being lied to - and I can only hope . . . oh, I probably shouldn't go there yet. We'll see what November brings. Perhaps the winds of change will blow in a decent candidate that I can happily vote for in 2008.
-- A friend in Philly
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