Friday, July 07, 2006

Just Another Day?

Three more people were murdered in Philadelphia yesterday.

According to this article in The Philadelphia Inquirer, one of the victims was 15-year-old Jarrett Gore. He was gunned down on the street at 2:25 -- in the afternoon. Apparently, lots of people saw what happened, but not many are talking. According to the article:
"Police say they believe dozens of witnesses were on the street when the teen
was killed -- and few volunteered to tell them what happened."

"'Considering the number of people who had to be out here when this had occurred, we certainly are disappointed that more people have not come forward,' said Inspector Joe Sullivan of the Northwest Police Division. 'The murder of a 15-year-old should bring outrage.'"
And yet it still doesn't seem to. Even the Inquirer treats the story in a just-another-day-in-the-big-city kind of way. In its print edition, the article is not on the front page, or even the front page of the Local News section. It appears on page B3, although it should be noted that the lead story in Section B is the creation of a task force that seeks to address the problem of illegal gun possession in the city (better late than never, I guess). On the Inquirer web site, this story does not make the front-page cut either, and you have to go to the "Around the Region" page, and then scroll down to find the story listed 12th among "Other Regional News."

And on it goes.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

In NY they passed a law: mandatory one year sentence for illegal gun possession - no ifs, no ands, no buts, no who-do-you-knows, no kidding. And, most importantly, no questions raised over the right to own guns legally. People went to jail.
Now, of course, one has to wonder whether sharpening the skills of budding criminals in our prisons is the right thing to do and perhaps a program to deal with just that issue will have to be a part of any such lawmaking - like getting these kids educated and skilled for some real job. On the other hand, it's probably better to deal with that issue than deal with finding the murderers after innocents (and not-so-innocents) are killed.
We don't hear too much, either, about the people who are putting the guns in the hands of these would-be killers. Closing some of the legal gun trade loopholes might be a good start. And then beefing up the laws around the commerce in illegal guns. Again, this would be no assault on the (ridiculous) "right to bear arms" crowd. But maybe, well . . . it's better than doing nothing.
-- A friend in Philly

12:21 PM  

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