Friday, June 23, 2006

The Wonderful Wizard

If loving Ozzie Guillen is wrong, I don't want to be right.

No reasonable person, of course, can condone his use of the word "fag" to describe sportswriter Jay Mariotti, although being required to attend a "sensitivity training" class is a punishment commensurate with a far more serious crime. Still, the guy is interesting, in that what-will-he-say-or-do-next-train-wreck kind of way. Baseball could use more of his kind of passion, even if it is occasionally misguided.

Memo to the hapless Bud Selig: Sending Ozzie Guillen to sensitivity training is like sending Mr. Ed to ballet school. Not gonna happen (though it would probably be fun to watch).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ozzie Guillen cannot say one sentence without some profanity in it! I shouldn't say "some" profanity because it seems like it is every other word. He ought to be ashamed of himself - as the leader of the team he should try not to offend fans with his mouth. The world was not just created for Ozzie.

12:39 PM  

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