Monday, January 29, 2007

Two Buck Chuck

Now that Prince Charles and his weird-hat-wearing wife have finally left town, let's hope that another 146 years pass before another member of this dreadful family graces our fair city. If people are going to behave like brainless sheep, better that they do so about things of far more consequence than some job-shirking human wax figure.

The news articles made much of what was described as Charles' common touch, which really shouldn't haven't been surprising considering just how common Charles is. Here's just one example of the breathless coverage, courtesy of the Inquirer: "A bike officer called out, 'Hey, how you doing?' 'Still alive!' retorted the prince, getting a laugh."

Whoa!! I'm not sure I could survive much more of that British wit. Was that Prince Charles or Noel Coward??

In memory of the FCB Grandparents, here's what I say to Charles and the shamelessly adoring throng who bleated all around him this weekend: I bend my knee to no earthly king.


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