Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Hey, Rummy, Appease This

As difficult as it may be to believe, it seems that Donald Rumsfeld is an even worse historian than he is Defense Secretary. His ridiculous effort yesterday to equate those opposing the Bush Administration's Iraq policy with those who failed to confront Hitler and the Nazis in the 1930s shows just how little Rumsfeld apparently knows about both subjects. People opposed to the Iraq War, and especially the incompetent management of it led by Rumsfeld, are not appeasing the terrorists. They are trying to free up the resources to fight them in a productive and meaningful way and in the places where they are actually located.

The smell of desperation wafting around President Bush and his increasingly shrinking amen corner is now palpable. History will not be kind to this crew.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

These people are appalling. Let's see if I have this right. Americans who defend and exercise their 1st amendment and other constitutional rights are appeasing fascists. Those who attempt to unconstitutionally limit the defense and exercise of constitutional rights are fighting fascists.
Shame on them. How ridiculous or stupid is this "base" we always hear talk of, which they are no doubt pandering to with this nonsense. You'd think they could look up the word "fascist" in a dictionary.
But, then again, if you're right no matter what you say or do, it's probably not worth the time.
I can only hope that history will not be kind to this crew - fact is, this crew is not kind to history, as Rummy's nonsensical analogy most recently reveals (along with, for example, this Administration's continuing efforts to imperialize the Presidency and its revisiting of trickle-down economics).
Imagine, a Defense Secretary who refuses to take the advice of military leaders chastising others for not paying enough attention to the deaths of the soldiers that he sends off to needlessly die.
Always right. Never in doubt. No shame. They're the only ones who can protect us. Gosh, what does that sound like?

9:10 PM  

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