The Only Opinion That Counts
The jury has begun deliberations in the trial of Jeff Skilling and Ken Lay. My prediction, unremarkable though it may be, is that both defendants will be found guilty on the majority, though probably not all, of the counts against them (28 for Skilling and 6 for Lay). Given all that this jury both brought to the case as Houstoun-area residents and then heard during the trial, I just don't see them finding that the two top guys -- the ones who made the most money of all -- did nothing wrong.
The jury will probably be a while, so feel free to add your thoughts and predictions.
The jury will probably be a while, so feel free to add your thoughts and predictions.
Ithink they both will get off!!
Well, I beg to differ with the prior commenter but Skilling and Lay, who mostly made out like bandits in connection with their Enron dealings, offered the following defenses: (1) nothing bad happened here; (2) if something bad happened, we didn't know about it; (3) only because they were pressured to do so by the government did everyone else plead guilty and acknowledge that something bad happened, that everyone in a position to do something about it didn't, and that those same people lied to everyone else . . . oh, yeah, with the exception of that one evil guy (Fastow), who pleaded guilty because he actually was guilty (everyone else didn't do anything wrong); and/or (4) if something bad happened, it was all someone else's fault (the Wall Street Journal, or those awful short sellers). Puh-leeze. I sincerely hope that the jurors will see through this nonsense and I believe that they will.
-- A friend in Philly
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