So, for the uninitiated, here is a brief summary of these blogs:
- Andrew -- Sullivan is widely read, in part because he was one of the first well-known writers/commentators to embrace blogging in a big way, but mostly because he is consistently interesting on a wide variety of issues, including current events, politics, Catholicism, and gay issues.
- Disability Law -- a recently created blog by Washington University Law Professor Sam Bagenstos. I wish he would write more, but I am sure that between teaching, writing law review articles, and the occasional Supreme Court argument, he is a busy guy.
- Freakonomics -- Commentary on many things from the authors of the best-selling book.
- How Appealing -- Amazingly thorough and frequently updated blog from Philadelphia-area appellate lawyer Howard Bashman. Great source for legal news and court decisions from around the country. If you are interested in legal issues, you have to read this blog.
- The Note -- All things political, courtesy of the ABC News political editors.
- Poynter -- This site as a whole is devoted to journalism issues and coverage of news made by newspapers and the people who write, edit, and own them. I mostly read the daily news compilations from Jim Romenesko, and that is the page I have linked to.
- Progressive Law Blogs -- This blog provides snippets from and links to about a half dozen law bloggers that write from, as the name suggests, a more liberal prospective. Good way to get a quick overview of several different blogs.
- SCOTUSblog -- This blog, created by the D.C. law firm of Goldstein & Howe, which specializes in handling Supreme Court appeals, is a great source of information about the Supreme Court, the justices, and the cases/issue they address. Several months ago, long-time Supreme Court newspaper beat writer Lyle Denniston began contributing to the blog, which has been a great addition.
- Talk Left -- Interesting, informative, and decidedly liberal blog created by Denver-based criminal defense attorney Jeralyn Merritt. Mostly deals with criminal law issues, but also comments on political subjects as well.
- Volokh Conspiracy -- Legal blog created by UCLA law professor Eugene Volokh, who has assembled a group of fellow conspirators (mostly other law professors) to contribute to the site, which results in a nice mix of a voices commenting on a wide variety of legal topics. Often academic in tone, as one might expect, but interesting nonetheless.
Suggestions for other sites to try and then perhaps link to are welcome.